Thursday, June 18, 2009

Team Work

Transporting lumbers for the roof framing of Tallah UMC and working with them gave a wonderful result(partially).

Explore the Time

Sometimes it seems to me that now, more than ever before, we humans are beginning to explore the exciting frontiers of God's love. Perhaps more than ever before we are reaching out and experiencing the implications of the radical love of God through Jesus' presence in the world. I see this happening inspite of, perhaps because of, the pain and danger of the world around us. So, as we move beyond our comfort to serve the mission of God, it brings to us greater joy.

We must not rest content with having given a superficial reading of the scripture because no man who skims the Bible and profit thereby. Am saying this because visiting Liberia and not knowing Liberia is an empty vessel. We need to reach out the more in the very little we can to explore the time.